Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pass the PROTEIN, Please!

In spite of what we believe, most Americans get more than enough protein in their diets. Unless you are an athlete, weightlifter or serious exercise enthusiasts, you want to focus on less rather than more protein. Eating too much protein has been associated with a number of negative effects on the body, including:
  1. Weight gain. Excess calories from excess protein may be stored as body fat.
  2. Intestinal irritation. Too much protein has been linked to constipation, diarrhea and/or excessive gas.
  3. Dehydration. Experts advise drinking a half gallon of water per 100 grams of protein.
  4. Seizures. Seizures have been linked to excess protein intake – but only if insufficient amounts of water are consumed.
  5. Increase in liver enzymes.
  6. Nutritional deficiencies. Just focusing on protein intake causes some high-protein dieters to overlook other nutrients. Ensure that your diet is balanced and nutritious.
  7. Risk of heart disease. This is a bit misleading. A healthy high-protein diet is not associated with heart disease. But if you are getting all of your protein from unhealthy sources that are loaded in unhealthy fats, obviously the risk for heart disease will increase.
  8. Kidney problems. Some believe that high protein and low carbohydrate diets – when done long term – can possibly cause kidney issues, but more research needs to be done.

Personal Trainer Davey Wavey suggest the following 5 tips to help exercise enthusiasts balance protein needs with a vegan diet?
  1. Eat lots of nuts. 1/4 a cup of nuts can have upwards of 8 to 9 grams of decent quality protein.
  2. Cook with quinoa. 100 grams of quinoa contains some 14 grams of high-quality protein. In fact, the protein in quinoa has a higher rating than either beef or chicken.
  3. Stock up on oatmeal. A cup of oatmeal has 6 grams of relatively high quality protein.  A great way to start the day!
  4. Spread the hummus. A half cup of commercial hummus has 10 grams of protein, and it makes a great addition to a sandwich – or a condiment for fresh veggies.
  5. Almond and peanut butter. These butters are  wise choices and great additions for smoothies and snacks. Typically, a serving of nut butter will have 6 – 8 grams of protein

There are many athletes and celebrities that swear by vegetarian and vegan diets, including Jake Shields –Vegetarian Boxer
Yours in health,
Dr. Velonda

Reserve your copy of the new cookbook entitled Beyond Candied Yams and Sweet Potato Pie, special price only for National Nutrition Month (ends 3/31/12)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March - Celebrating Women and National Nutrition Month

In February we celebrated Heart Health Month and National Sweet Potato Month. As February fades in our memory, March signals the end of winter, the beginning of spring and  a LEAP forward into the rest of 2012.  
March is a celebration of National Nutrition Month and Women’s History Month

National Nutrition Month keeps good nutrition in the spotlight. Given the poor state of health of many children and adults in the U.S., it’s time to get your plate in shape

Attend the FREE nutrition presentation  Wednesday, March 7, 2012  >  6 - 7:30pm
Eat to Live @ Detroit Public Library – Redford Branch

Ignite your spiritual passion & regain your health edge by learning how to do The Daniel Diet 
Saturday, March 10th (Movie &  A Light Meal) 10am - 1pm
Register by visiting 
Through your dietary choices you automatically are choosing life or death

Detroit Area Agency on Aging presents it’s  6th Annual  
NUTRITION & FITNESS FAIR - Wednesday, March 14th
 Greater Grace Temple Conference Center
23500 West 7 Mile Rd - Detroit, Michigan 48219
 Celebrity Guest: Deena Centofanti
Fox 2 News Anchor/Health Reporter
Special Presentation by Dr. Velonda Thompson
 For more information and to register call: (313) 446-4444, ext. 5227 by March 7

Yours in health! - Dr. Velonda 313-354-1788 or