VegMichigan presented thier annual VegFest vegan Tastefest at the Suburban Collection showplace in Novi, Michigan; which made it very easy to fill-up on liquid goodness.
My favorite vendor booth was Hut-k Nutrilicious 734-786-8312 from Ann Arbor, MI with their great array of delicious juices:
BEETs-ME-Gin (Beets, ginger, lime & dates), great for lowering blood pressure.
THE POWER OF 7 (Spinach, kale,swiss chard, dates, limes, pineapple and coconut milk); great source for antioxidant, vitamins, minerals, amino acids,phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory nutrients. You have heard me say it before - green inside is clean inside! This smoothie has all my favorite greens in one drink.
If you're looking for fiber, potassium, or copper, look no further than dates. The nutritional value of dates would come from their high content of carbohydrate and dietary fiber; which most Americans do not get enough in their diets. A 1/4 cup of dates, which is considered 1 serving of fruit, has approximately 4 grams of fiber.
Visit for more ideas
Yours in health!
Dr. Velonda TWITTER: #drvelonda FACEBOOK: Be-fit, Inc
what is the reason behind blending veggies into juice?